I like to read and learn about a variety of topics. I made the decision to use this platform to write about a few topics which are important to me.
I will write about them from my point of view and based on my experiences. I will do my best to limit advice or lists. I’m not a big fan of people who write with a slant toward telling the reader what is best for them. These include listicles (ex: 8 ways to be happier, the 5 best ways to wear pink shoes, etc…) and articles which are written in a voice which provides instruction to a reader but lacks the professional training and expertise to back it up.
While the categories I want to write about seem self explanatory, in today’s society, I think I should make some clarifications.
Architecture: I’ve been granted the education and legal right to practice architecture, it’s the only category I’ve listed in which I can claim any real knowledge. Doesn’t mean I’m wrong, doesn’t mean I’m right, but I think about and discuss it nearly every day.
Fashion: Love it! Not an expert, not even a snappy dresser. However, there are parallels between design professions and I hope to explore those a bit.
Photography: Also love it! I’m kinda bad at it, but getting much better all the time. Just like to talk about it. You’ll also find out about my love of old cameras and the surprise that film can hold.
Health & Well-Being: Let me be crystal clear here. I’m not a trained medical or mental health professional. I don’t think that our current culture really allows for the fact that we’re all a little different and what works for one may not work for another. If you read this section looking for answers and solutions for your life, I strongly encourage you to seek out qualified professionals. This section will focus on my own experiences only and are not to be used in place of scientific-based research from professionals.
One – More or Less: This section is dedicated to my thoughts on how one person can help the planet become more sustainable. How using one more or one less item can make a difference. Too many messages about our environment focus on what we’re doing wrong. I think we should start to focus on what one person can do, in simple ways, to help make a difference.
Random: Well this is easy…anything I’m thinking about that doesn’t fit into the other areas.
I understand our world loves to thrive on new content, but I’m a regular human being and simply not that fascinating, just like every other human being on this planet. It’s ok if I don’t write something every day or every week. I’ve got a lot of things going on in my world so I will not promise posts with any regularity. It’s my hope in writing that something might spark a curiosity within you and you’ll take that with you into your daily in-person interactions. Thank you for spending a moment of your time with my writings.